
GDA Advogados
Av. Marginal, nº 141, Edifício Torres Rani, 10º Piso

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Data collected herein shall be processed by GDA – Guilherme Daniel Advogados – Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda (“GDA Advogados”), as the controller. Information is processed by GDA Advogados for the purposes of contact management, as well as to provide clarifications or information requested by the consenting data subject, subject to a 5 year retention period as of collection date.

Fields marked with * are mandatory. Your request cannot be submitted if you fail to provide the information in question. GDA Advogados may share your personal data with third parties used to process personal data for the purposes set out above, in furtherance of an outsourcing or other data processing arrangement. Pursuant to the applicable legislation, you may request access to your personal data at any time, as well as its to have inaccurate personal data rectified, erased, as well as restrict data processing, portability, or object to processing of your personal data. You may exercise any of your rights by sending an email to Likewise, you may withdraw your consent as to the processing of your personal data for the purposes set out above, using the same email address. Pursuant to the GDPR, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without prejudice to any data processed as per your consent prior to that moment. Irrespective of alternative administrative or judicial rights of redress, you may raise a complaint with the data protection authority regarding the processing of your personal data in breach of applicable legal framework.

For further information please access our Privacy Policy.

Client Centered. Local Knowledge. Global Reach.

VdA Legal Partners is the brand name that brings together all lawyers and independent law firms affiliated with Vieira de Almeida for the provision of legal services. 

We offer a unique blend of international technical expertise with a commercial mindset and in-depth knowledge of local markets. Each instruction received by VdA Legal Partners is diligently handled by multidisciplinary teams comprised of subject-matters specialists and local practitioners.

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